If you want Chris Dubois to minister to your local church, ministry, or some venue, please click below and fill out the requested information. Chris is available to speak on any Biblical topic or passage you request or to speak from his books on holiness and dating. He is also available for conferences on such topics as holiness, divine healing, dating, marriage, the love of God, the baptism and filling of the Holy Spirit, spiritual warfare and deliverance, prayer, interpreting Scripture, spiritual gifts, intimacy with the Father, healing of the broken hearted, end times, systematic theology, pastoring, leadership, and many other Biblical subjects. He is also available for prayer and to minister in healing, deliverance, and in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Chris will do his best to reply promptly. Thank you!

Wholly Holy Ministries offers Spirit-filled Biblical counseling for anyone in need of one-on-one mentoring and discipleship. This is designed for those who need one-on-one time to develop complete holiness and wholeness in their lives and find victory and freedom over various sins, strongholds, demons, and bondages. It is designed to help people find wholeness, freedom, and victory in life and live a life of Christlikeness, maturity, and holiness. It is Spirit-filled in that Chris seeks to ultimately be led by the Holy Spirit, not man's wisdom, understanding, and ability in the counseling session. Chris aims to be used by the Holy Spirit in the counseling session because only the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth that sets a person free (John 16:13). It is also thoroughly Biblical because our source and authority for truth are found in the Scriptures and not in this world based upon self-centered humanistic philosophy and methods. Only through properly interpreting, understanding, believing, and applying the Scriptures can we discover the truth and find true and lasting freedom (John 8:31-32). Prayer and spiritual gifts are often exercised too in these sessions. Chris has almost three years of experience as a children's, youth, and assistant pastor and over fifteen years as a senior pastor. He has counseled many people and not only adults, but also children and youth, and many dating and married couples. He is passionate about seeing the captives set free, the demonized delivered, and the broken-hearted healed. The cost for these sessions is $50.00 an hour. If you are interested in Biblical counseling from Chris, click below. Thank you!
Spirit-filled Biblical Counseling